Category Archives: download

Tutte le faccine, gli smiley e le emoticons di C6 per Miranda IM

Dopo che r3vindt aveva sviluppato il plugin del protocollo C6 per Miranda, ho iniziato subito ad usarlo summo cum gaudio al posto del programma originale di C6, anche se al tempo mancava il trasferimento dei files… ma poco male, sempre meglio avere tutti gli instant messengers concentrati in un unico programma piuttosto che tenere un mastodonte poco configurabile come il client di C6 classico sempre attivo.

Ora che i filetransfers sono perfettamente funzionanti (mentre scrivo l’ultima versione del plugin è la ed è supportata anche la funzione multichat, mancavano solo le emoticons, delle quali, non c’è che dire, C6 abbonda davvero. E’ per questo che ho deciso di aggiungerle tutte sotto forma di una estensione per SmileyAdd. Ho scaricato le gif animate (ma c’erano anche qualche bmp e jpg) dal sito di C6, ed ho creato un file asl utilizzando il linguaggio di scripting di mIRC, in modo che ricorsivamente per ogni immagine fosse creata una riga con la sintassi di SmileyAdd.

Il prodotto finale è quello che potete scaricare da qui. Leggete il readme.txt all’interno del file zip per le (minimali) istruzioni di installazione.

Assorted freeware tools and utilities download

After the website was moved to the new domain and converted to PHP, a lot of utilities linked here have been massively updated, disappeared, or become obsolete/useless. I removed the obsolete/useless ones, and added “google” near the ones which are not hosted in here but you should google for, while the downloads you can find in here are pretty rare, bust still useful ones

Ghostscript & Ghostview (google)

Great couple of tools to create a PDF file (you know… the ones you read with Adobe Acrobat Reader…) from every kind of document you can print. Follow instructions in HowTo’s section on how to do this.

Registry Detective (google)

Small and effective tool from ZDLabs to search the Windows’ registry for a key and display all of the occurencies in one panel, instead of pressing F3 till the last one. Then you can open Regedit on the key you want to edit, simply pressing a button in Registry Detective.

Hex Editor XVI32 (google)

Not for many, but someone may find useful this utility. I myself have it installed, and never used it, but you never know.

Magic Renamer 3.00

GREAT free tool (actually requires a reg code for “full registration”, not needed tho; you’d get the opportunity to download the latest version, which supports batch conversions and other things); I use it to rename MP3 files, just a few settings, and the game’s done.

QuickSFV (google)

CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) tool, lets you create a check file (extension .SFV, “Simple File Verification”) for a series of files, so another user can check if these files are integer or corrupt after he downloads them (actually it is more useful when YOU need to check the integrity of a download, if the downloaded file is provided with its CRC table — that is a .SFV file).

RegCleaner (google)

Run it from time to time when you need to remove from the Windows’ Registry those useless lines, which a crap uninstaller or a even crapper installer left there. I runned it right now, 445 invalid entries . (You may check with a search on if there is a version newer than the 4.2 one provided here)

ScreenRip32 (google)

You may need to get a screenshot of a Windows program, of a funny error message, or anyway of a document view, to publish it, or to archive it exactly as you saw it; ScreenRip32 is the program for you: gets either a shot of the whole screen, of a single window, of a sigle field (like, the text field of Word or the OK button of a dialog box), or even of an area whose borderyou drag with the mouse (I used this utility to take all the screenshots you see in the HowTo’s/IRC pages). Then you can save in BMP, GIF, JPEG or even as an icon (.ICO)!


Simplicity made application: does what it needs to do, and perfectly; it splits a file in several pieces, either of the size you need, or of the percentage of the whole size you want; it can create all the segments, or, for example, only the 4th segment of 1,635,246 bytes from a 10MB file. It can make as well a batch file to rebuilt the whole data in one command. And it’s really small, too.

ResHack (google)

Low-level tool to modify the resources in 32bit-standard files (that is, you can export Icons, Bitmaps, Text, Cursors, or change them as you want). Advanced users only.

Free music files, MIDI soundtracks and MP3 sound effects for download

Disclaimer: ALL the files here contained are legally distributable over the Internet. In fact, I have downloaded them myself from websites where they are (legally) distributed; they are NOT covered by any rights of profit. This means you CAN’T buy them anywhere, that you can’t find the digital or analogic recording of these files in stores or in ANY discographic house, and that there is NO person, institution, system, which legally deals with them by any commercial means.


I am dying to find the artists and titles of these two songs (especially #1), recorded from FM radio years ago, the clips togheter are less than 300kb worth, please listen to them and tell me via the comments at the end of the page if you know them! Thanks!


Chrono Trigger MIDI Soundtrack

This is the full MIDI soundtrack of the BEST IMHO RPG game for SNES, as distributed by Squaresoft Inc., and freely downloadable, since not protected by any right of exploitation. I made it only available in ZIP compressed format, with all the .MID files included. Goes without saying that the samples are BEST listened with a wavetable soundcard, such as all the SoundBlaster ones since the AWE32 model, and any other decent one.

King’s Quest Series MIDI Soundtrack

Another famous game title, and another MIDI soundtrack. As above, this is not covered by any rights of exploitation. Available in ZIP compressed format.

Monkey Island Series MIDI Soundtracks

No introduction needed. These files should be on the Hard Disks of every fan, which means, of everyone. For legal buggers: everything goes as explained for the above downloads. BTW, MI4 Soundtrack is not provided here, because I don’t like it.

Final Fantasy Series MIDI Soundtracks

Only the FF5 and FF6 MIDI OSTs. Legal babble, read above.

Sound FX

Very few for now, but better few than nothing.

Internet tools freeware downloads

After the website was moved to the new domain and converted to PHP, a lot of utilities linked here have been massively updated, disappeared, or become obsolete/useless. I removed the obsolete/useless ones, and added “google” near the ones which are not hosted in here but you should google for, while the downloads you can find in here are pretty rare, bust still useful ones

GuildFTP Daemon (GuildFTPd) (google)

Free FTP server, installs and configures easily, can interact with mIRC (great if you want to set a banner on an IRC channel to share songs, pictures, or everything else on your HD), has a nice graphic interface.

GuildFTP mIRC Script (google)

This mIRC script, younger brother of GuildFTPd, is an FTP server which runs in mIRC (!) through a script for this chat program. It is obviously usable only if you plan to run an FTP for an IRC channel, and should use less memory of the proper application, since is “embedded” in mIRC (obviously it’s not as user friendly as the main app).

NetPerSec (google)

ZDLabs utility to constantly monitor the download/upload speed. What is simply too cool about this one is that it shows itself in the system tray with a small graphic to see in real time the speed (too bad under Windows 2k it needs to be restarted if you disconnect/reconnect, because it behaves randomly…)

Zidrav (google)

You create a CRC table of the big file you downloaded, send it (via mail, IRC DCC, ICQ, whatever) to the guy who has the original file, who uses the same program and the CRC table you sent, to create a “patch”, which he later sends you (again, via FTP, DCC, or whatever), and which you use with the same program to fix your file which will be exactly the same of the original one.

Download Audio Video utility ZIP files

After the website was moved to the new domain and converted to PHP, a lot of utilities linked here have been massively updated, disappeared, or become obsolete/useless. I removed the obsolete/useless ones, and added “google” near the ones which are not hosted in here but you should google for, while the downloads you can find in here are pretty rare, bust still useful ones


I am dying to find the artists and titles of these two songs (especially #1), recorded from FM radio years ago, the clips togheter are less than 300kb worth, please listen to them and tell me via the comments at the end of the page if you know them! Thanks!


VirtualDub (google)

The leading tool for video-editing in the “free” scene, here in the “official” version, that is without VBR MP3, ASF, freezes check support.

AVIDefreezer (google)

Fixes freezes in DivX movies, used in combination with VirtualDub, the HTML user’s guide is included in the archive.

DivFix (google)

Lets you watch unfinished downloads of DivX movies, also great to fix DivX’s which seem totally lost even using AVIDeFreezer.


Free program by Microsoft, used to synthetize voice in English and Spanish (!), with various, nice accents. Doesn’t save WAV files, but you can see how to do this anyway, in the HowTo’s section.

Quick MP3 Tag Maker

Adds ID3v1 tags to all of my MP3’s… it is perfect especially for albums, since you can use jolly chars to define how the file name (which you can easily change with Magic Renamer, see in the Downloads/Tools section) must be “translated” into the ID3v1 tag.

MP3 Trim (google)

Especially useful when you need to increase the volume of an MP3 which sounds so flebile… move a slider, and it’s done.

The Matrix Screensaver

Makes your monitor look exactly like the computer screens in The Matrix!

CDex (google)

Audiograbber was lately made into a free limited version, anyway CDex, which I discovered recently, is a completely free tool which misses nothing compared to the full commercial version of the former: CDA to WAV, CDA to MP3, WAV to MP3, MP3 to WAV, CDDB support, external codecs support. You won’t find only the animated buttons, but who cares. Just uncompress into a folder of your choice and run CDex.exe, the program’s ready. To update the LAME extension download the LAME codec and copy the lame_enc.dll file over the one provided with this program.

LAME encoder (google)

THE MP3 codec, and it’s free. Bitrates from 32 to 320 kbps, 3 methods of VBR (the only way to the intelligent encoding) . Use the included lame_enc.dll file to overwrite the one you may have already provided with other programs that use this codec, thus updating the codec itself.

Nokia Ringtone Kit

This is the downloadable package to which refers the guide for writing Nokia Ringtones in the HowTo’s section.

SubAdjust (Subtitle Adjuster) (google)

The leading minitool to synchronize subtitles, mainly support the SubViewer format, but after you adjust the text file in that format you can convert it in all the other ones.