mIRC script to format the LOL/BRB/AFK shortcuts into coloured text

I suppose here you do know what lol rofl lmao brb afk and so on mean, so I will just go straight to the point: what if, when you write an anonymous, pale, shortly insignificant "lol" as simplr reply to a witty comment of one of your channelmates, or of your current query pal, mIRC doesn’t actually print out "lol" but something like Laughing Out Loud?

It would be nicer, woulnd’t it? Well, ok ok, don’t just pi$$ me off now, "Why must I send about 30 bytes of data when usually 3 are sufficient? Tenfold increase? Whoa!" Who the heck cares, if you don’t like it visit one of the other marvellous sections of this website, and don’t get fed up with me.

You can use this addon, instead of adding the lines yourself. The instructions are included in the zipped TXT. I suggest you to continue reading anyway, to learn more about how to modify the script.

Here is what will go in your Remote Panel, accessible by pressing the button in mIRC:

on *:INPUT:*:{
  var %C1 = 8
  var %C2 = 3
  //if ($left($1-,1) != /) {
    //if ($1- == lol) { 
      //say  $+ %C1 $+ L $+ %C2 $+ aughing  $+ %C1 $+ O $+ %C2 $+ ut  $+ %C1 $+ L $+ %C2 $+ oud 

    //if ($1- == brb) { 
      /say  $+ %C1 $+ B $+ %C2 $+ e  $+ %C1 $+ R $+ %C2 $+ ight  $+ %C1 $+ B $+ %C2 $+ ack 

    //if ($1- == afk) { 
      /say  $+ %C1 $+ A $+ %C2 $+ way  $+ %C1 $+ F $+ %C2 $+ rom  $+ %C1 $+ K $+ %C2 $+ eyboard 

    //if (($1- == rofl) || ($1- == rotfl)) { 
      /say  $+ %C1 $+ R $+ %C2 $+ olling  $+ %C1 $+ O $+ %C2 $+ n  $+ %C1 $+ T $+ %C2 $+ he  $+ %C1 $+ F $+ %C2 $+ loor  $+ %C1 $+ L $+ %C2 $+ aughing

    //if ($1- == lmao) { 
      /say  $+ %C1 $+ L $+ %C2 $+ aughing  $+ %C1 $+ M $+ %C2 $+ y  $+ %C1 $+ A $+ %C2 $+ $$  $+ %C1 $+ O $+ %C2 $+ ff

This is a non-exhaustive script which will exchange lines like "lol", "lmao", "rofl", "rotlf", "brb", "afk", and all the others not included, and you’ll want to add, with their coloured aliases, like Laughing Out Loud, Rolling On The Floor Laughing, Away From Keyboard and so on.

Let’s explain now, for you little geeks curious to learn how this piece of art works.

The "on INPUT" triggers when you press the Enter key to send text, and uses $1- to refer to the entered text; in this case we will trigger every line sent to every kind of window (not only channels, but also queries, DCC chats and DCC FileServers). First, the routine checks if the first character is "/", which means it is a command, and it must not be touched (this was intended for future uses, but this check is not necessary, given the script’s structure ). Then it checks if the line is equal to one of the known acronyms, and it provides to send the updated coloured line instead. The %C1 and %C2 variables are used to easily change the colours if you don’t like the default ones. The halt command is to prevent mIRC to send, along with the modified text, also the text you originally typed in, for example "lol".

To add custom acronyms, simply copy the basic subroutine, that is from "//if ($1- ==" to the halt followed by the }. After that, change the string in "($1- == XX)" with your desired acronym, example "($1- == wysiwyg)", and modify the text after /say as well, according to the new formatting: before the first letter of each word put " $+ %C1 $+ " without quotes, and with the spaces, then right after the first letter copy " $+ %C2 $+ " also without quotes and with the spaces, followed by the rest of the word, so the whole thing becomes:

//if ($1- == wysiwyg) {
  /say  $+ %C1 $+ W $+ %C2 $+ hat  $+ %C1 $+ Y $+ %C2 $+ ou  $+ %C1 $+ S $+ %C2 $+ ee  $+ %C1 $+ I $+ %C2 $+ s  $+ %C1 $+ W $+ %C2 $+ hat  $+ %C1 $+ Y $+ %C2 $+ ou  $+ %C1 $+ G $+ %C2 $+ et

I consider this tutorial complete (you may need an IQ of at least 80 to understand this guide).

One thought on “mIRC script to format the LOL/BRB/AFK shortcuts into coloured text”

  1. [commenti dal vecchio sito]
    [comments from old website]

    2009-10-20 20:10:06
    2009-10-20 15:25:37
    Bella la storia del QI!!!!!!!!
    Da oscar!!! hahaha
    2009-01-04 19:00:33
    Ciao Massmo. Devi pensare che questa guida (come quasi tutto il sito) è stato creato anni ed anni fa in inglese, e solo dopo, con immane sforzo, tradotto in italiano. Mi sorprende comunque che ancora adesso ci siano persone interessate a IRC e a mIRC… comunque, data la natura dello script, puoi facilmente modificarlo da solo, è tutto chiaramente spiegato, basta un editor di testo.
    2009-01-04 18:52:53
    Ma qualcosa di abbreviato che poi restituisca in italiano sarebbe mooolto meglio, non credo che la maggioranza degli utenti italiani approvino acronomi che restituiscono in inglese …

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