Control SIM800 with PHP through serial port

…or rather, control anything through serial port with PHP.

This guide will be soon updated to a full-fledged serial console made in PHP (show output from device, but also send commands).

I must say, credit goes to this github repository which in turn is based on another known repository, and which I heavily simplified and stripped down because I don’t like having to deal with PHP classes and everything that has to do with it.

Let’s cut down the overhead, and to the chase.

This is an example code:

function serialread() {
   global $sim800;
   $chars = [];
   do {
     $char = fread($sim800, 1);
     $chars[] = $char;
   } while ($char != "\n" && $char != "");
   return join('', $chars);

exec("stty -F $tty cs8 9600 ignbrk -brkint -icrnl -imaxbel -opost -onlcr -isig -icanon -iexten -echo -echoe -echok -echoctl -echoke noflsh -ixon -crtscts");
stream_set_blocking($sim800, false);

while (true) {
   $data = trim(serialread());
   if (strlen($data)>1) {
     echo $data."\n";

And now let’s do some explaining.

$tty is the string containing the value of the serial device file, in my case I defined it as $tty="/dev/ttyUSB0"; because I prefer using an external adapter and keeping more juicy GPIO pins to myself.

The $sim800=fopen($tty,"w+b"); instruction opens the serial stream as a writeable and readable file, and resets its content to empty, the b in "w+b" forces the connection to be established in binary format.

The stream_set_blocking($sim800, false); instruction allows the fread() command to immediately return a result, even if null, after calling it, instead of waiting for something to be output to the serial console.

The fwrite() instructions are to initialize the SIM800 module as I like it, you may want to search on the official AT commands of the SIM800 to find their meaning. What’s to be learnt here, is that, after you issue a command string, you want to end it with "\r" which is a carriage return, and sends the Enter key to the console; using "\n" which instead is a newline would not work to issue commands.

I use trim() on the serialread() function (which by the way is stolen from the repository linked above) because the SIM800 likes to add a lot of new lines around, and to parse and/or display the serial ouput of the module it’s better if you have a bare string to process.

That’s all folks.

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