Find the IP of other people in IRC channels, mIRC script

You can, on IRC, see which IP belongs to a user (whatever you need to know this for, obviously . This is achieved, inside mIRC, with the /dns command. So, for example, if you want to know what IP is using your channelmate Jogi you can do:

/dns Jogi

and you will see, after some time, the IP and the IP name (if there is one) of Jogi in the Status window. So, what’s he big deal you’ll ask, a page just for this command? Not actually, because it may be annoyng to switch to the Status window every time you need to check the IP of a user. So here we’ll make a script which will send a message to our current channel window with the regarding information.

You can use this addon to load the script from within mIRC, instead of writing the lines yourself.

If you want to add the lines yourself, here are the instructions.

Before we begin, let’s recall that you need to press the button in mIRC to access the Remote panel, that is where you edit scripts.

What you need to write there is:

on *:DNS://echo -a Resolved $nick to: Name - $naddress , IP - $iaddress

and the output, after you add this line, press OK, and issue the /dns command on a user, will appear in the active window, and resemble this:

Resolved Joey42 to: Name - , IP -

In the case the IPname was not available, the field after “Name -” would simply be empty.

You can check with this also the IP corresponding to websites. For example, if you want to know what IP is associated with just do:


and the output will be:

Resolved to: Name - , IP -

and as well see what IP name belongs to an IP you run into:


the output being:

Resolved to: Name - , IP -

clear enough I’d say.

Now go on IRC and play a bit.

[Updated 15th Sept 2010]
Several visitors have been asking in the comments why, when they do /dns username, they get a strange code instead of the numeric IP address (in the form of 5B26E798.A7F81C6C.2CF41D6B.IP); this is obviously not an IP address, nor a named alias, but just your server that has a “high security” policy, where it normally does not allow users to know each other’s IP addresses and instead outputs that string, which is univocally associated with the user, but cannot be used to determine the real IP. This is a limitation that cannot be worked around per se, still, you could try asking the user for a DCC query session, which is a special private chat where your computers are directly connected to each other, without passing through the server: if the other user accepts your DCC request, then you can see each other’s IP addresses, since your PC’s are directly connected.

10 thoughts on “Find the IP of other people in IRC channels, mIRC script”

  1. [commenti dal vecchio sito]
    [comments from old website]

    2010-01-25 20:50:04
    As explained to the first user in the comments, it must be your chat server which gives back modified hostnames for “privacy” reasons.
    In other words, when you connect to your IRC server, your real hostname is masked by the server so other users are not able to discover your real IP, unless a DCC session is initiated. Microsoft works as it is a public, resolvable hostname
    2010-01-25 20:10:55
    Resolved Timothethug to: Name – , IP –
    Resolved Jap|Afk to: Name – Jap.users.omerta , IP –
    Resolved Alco` to: Name – Alco-02309.users.omerta , IP –

    The only thing that does work is “”

    How come? and is there something to fix it??
    2010-01-15 23:49:05
    of course there is, mIRC had a very wide support for scripting language (and supposedly has a better one now, years after I used it), which I knew adequately back then. Now tho, even if I can assure you that it’s possible, and quite easily combining events and file-write functions, I wouldn’t have the sligthtest idea of the code to use :-/
    2010-01-15 23:40:14
    Very nice explanation. Is there a way to send the DNS name and/or IP to a log file? Even when a user joins (on JOIN?) with a time stamp?
    2010-01-11 09:11:37
    THat would be the chat program masking the original hostname of the client.
    “.ip” is not a regular top level domain, normal hostnames end with .con, .net, .it, .fr, .uk, .us, and so on
    2010-01-11 02:39:46
    02:37:21 * Dns resolving ECA050A1.FEAC7A6B.B5003D43.IP
    02:37:21 * Dns unable to resolve ECA050A1.FEAC7A6B.B5003D43.IP

  2. [commenti dal vecchio sito]
    [comments from old website]

    2010-01-10 09:23:05
    2010-01-09 18:39:48
    quello accade quando tenti di risolvere l’alias di un ip offline.
    Ad esempio, se ricevi una DCC da una persona che subito dopo si disconnette da internet, tentando un dns sul suo alias riceverai un errore.
    Comunque, guardando meglio l’alias, siccome comincia per IperChat, forse viene mascherato dal programma IperChat che rende volutamente impossibile eseguire un dns sulle persone connesse.
    2010-01-09 18:31:42
    vorrei sapere cm mai con il comando dns nn mi risolve tutti gli ip …
    * Risoluzione del DNS
    * Impossibile risolvere il DNS
    2009-06-09 22:30:42
    Ciao Lady
    non conosco il servizio di chat di cui parli, sono andato ora a vedere cos’è per curiosità. Comunque devi sapere che mIRC è un programma che si collega tramite il protocollo IRC… vabè, per farla breve, in IRC si può fare, sui servizi diversi come C6, MSN, oppure quello che usi te, il funzionamento è diverso, è come paragonare il fornello a gas col microonde 😉
    2009-06-09 22:16:53
    ciao leggendo la tua pagine ho trovato delel notizie interessanti..ora vorrei farti una domanda…su ciao amigos è possibile rintracciare ip..perkè purtroppo nn si può accedere con un mirc..speroo di avere tue notizie…a presto baci
    2008-11-13 23:03:59
    [Continua 2]
    In altre parole dovresti avere un accesso fisico al server per controllare nel database dello stesso quali sono i canali attivi in un dato momento e che hanno l’attributo +s attivo.
    Insomma, arrenditi, non è possibile; tra l’altro non avrebbe senso l’esistenza del +s se fosse aggirabile, non trovi?
    2008-11-13 23:02:15
    [Continuo in questo messaggio]
    Se il canale è impostato come +s, il server lo escluderà da ogni listing, e siccome sei obbligato a passare dal server per ogni tipo di attività su IRC, a meno di gravi backdoor, o di notevoli exploit (che escludo data l’anzianità del sistema e quindi la sua sicurezza) non avrai nessun modo di costringere il server a dirti quali sono i canali segreti.
    2008-11-13 22:59:24
    Ciao. Purtroppo non uso IRC da secoli, o meglio non sono più attivo, salvo un costante lurking su un canale a cui sono affezionato.
    Comunque conosco il concetto su cui si basa IRC, ovvero proprio la presenza di un server che gestisce centralmente tutte le attività, se si escludono i cosiddetti DCC tra utenti. Per questo motivo fare quello che tu vorresti fare è impossibile, per un motivo semplice
    2008-11-13 22:53:51
    ciao si l’addon e carino ma io cercavo un addon che permette di vedere tutti i canali segreti cioè +s che sono in un server come potrei fare grazie in anticipo

  3. You started speaking italian and i got lost
    I do the /dns command and I get some numbers that are not an IP how do I get an IP from those numbers?

  4. I see Carlos, you were reading the comments by the visitors of the italian version of the website. They asked the same question you are asking by the way, and I can only answer the same thing: you can’t.
    You see that strange code, because the IRC server you are using is masking the IP addresses of the users for security reasons.
    When you do the /dns command, you are asking the IRC server to tell you the user’s IP, but the server doesn’t want to, and instead outputs that hash value.

    You could try to open a DCC query with the user (if that is feasible on the server), that way the server will put you in a direct connection between you two, and you will have access to the user’s real IP address, but you can only do that if the other user accepts the DCC query.

  5. entro sulla chatt di ciaoamigos ci sono molte persone maleducate ….( anche educate e’ …)… con uno script potrebbe risolvere molti ban che durano solo un’ora che poi rientrano con altri nik vorrei provare ad entrare con uno script si puo’ ….ma bisogna sapere il server ..magari voi potreste aiutarmi .. grazie per la cortese attenzione….cordialai saluti amg^^

    1. Non sono sicuro di aver capito quello che chiedi.
      Se sei una moderatrice, e la chat è basata su protocollo IRC, puoi effettuare un ban anziché tramite nick, tramite IP o usermask ad esempio (dovresti sapere di cosa sto parlando).
      Se non è questo quello che volevi chiedere… non saprei cosa dirti, prova a spiegarti diversamente 🙂

    1. Back in the day, to ban them via IP or to recognize them with scripts when they changed their nick.
      I don’t even know if the irc protocol still allows to find the IP, this article is very very old.

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